



Ahlel Bayt

Prophet’s Wives are Ahlel Bayt – Sunnis say they are, while Shias say no way.
Prophet’s Daughters are Ahlel Bayt – Sunnia say four were, while Shias say he had only one.
The Status of Ahlel Bayt – Sunnis say they are pious. Shias say they are sinless.
Slander Against Prophet’s Wives – Sunnis say they were innocent. Shias say they upset the Prophet
Mothers of the Believers – Sunnis say they are. Shias say yes but bad mothers.
Al-Ifk: Quran Defends Aisha – Agreed.
First Lady of Islam = Sunnis say Aisha, but Shias say Khadija
Verse 33:33 Does Not Make Anyone Infallible – Sunni say it doesn’t. Shias say it does.
The Wives of Prophet Nuh and Prophet Lut – Sunnis say odd exception. Shias say a trend.
Love for Ahlel Bayt and Sahabah – Sunnis say yes, Shias say not bad Sahabas
Aisha Didn’t Do Ghusl in Front of Men – Sunnis say she didn’t, Shias say she did.
Fatwa: Kufr to Slander Bibi Aisha – Sunnis say yes, Shia say no it isn’t.
Al-Islam.org says: Do not name your daughter with the name “Aisha” – Sunnis that’s bad. Shias say no it is not.
Who are the Ahlel Bayt? – Sunnis say wives and Sahabas. Shias say only pure five.
Sayyida Aisha is Part of Ahlel Bayt – Sunnis say yes. Shias say no way.
The Prophet Defends His Wife Aisha – Sunni say he did. Shias say he sent her away.
The Status of the 12 Imams – Sunnis say only pious teachers. Shias say Sinless Guides.

Shi’ism is Kufr: Imams Superior to Prophets – Sunnis say yes. Shias say it is not kufr.
Infallibility = Shirk – Sunnis say yes. Shias say no it is not.
Imam Knows the Hour of His Death – Sunnis say not he does not. Shias say yes he does.
Imams Can See Al-Ghaib (the Unseen) – Sunnis say no he cannot. Shia say yes he can.
How Does the Current Imam Lead the Shia? Sunnis say he cannot. Shias say he has power.
Quran (13:7): Not a Proof for Imamah - Sunnis say no it is not. Shia say yes it is.


Saying “Ya Ali Madad” is Shirk - Sunnis say it is. Shias say it is not.
Ali or Jesus? Sunnis say Jesus is higher. Shias say Jesus is lower.
Turbah: Sajdah to the Imams - Sunnis say its bad. Shias it is best.
Grave Worship - Sunnis say its wrong. Shias say its alright.
Shrines: the Need to Raze Them and Level the Graves – Sunnis say no. Shias say no. Wahhabi say yes.


Saqifah: A Sunni View - Sunnis say its ok. Shias say its fraud.
Battle of the Camel – Sunnis say a misunderstanding. Shias say enmity.
Origins of the Shia Sect – Sunnis say a Jew. Shias say Prophet.
Battle of Siffin – Sunnis say a misunderstanding. Shias say hatred.
The Shia Killed Ali, Husan, and Hussain. Sunnis say yes. Shias say Sunnis.
Ali, Hasan, and Hussain hated the Shia – Sunnis say yes. Shias say never.
A Shia Killed Sayyiduna Hussain - Sunnis say yes. Shias say Yazid.
Aisha: “Kill this old fool (Na’thal)” Sunnis say not Uthman. Shias say Uthman.


Fadak: Fatima’s Anger - Sunnis say only few days. Shias say forever.
Ali gave his daughter to Umar - Sunnis say yes. Shias say no.
Ali named sons after 3 caliphs - Sunnis say yes. Shias say no.  
Abu Bakr, the Second of the Two in Cave – Sunnis say love. Shias say fear.
The Four Rightly Guided Caliphs - Sunnis say yes. Shias say 3 were hypocrites.
Hadith of Pen and Paper – Sunnis say care of Umar. Shias say insults by Umar.
The Prophet’s Praise of Abu Bakr - Sunnis say yes. Shias say no.

Matam: Self-Flagellation - Sunnis say haram. Shias say Halal.


Mutah is Haram - Sunnis say yes. Shias say its not.
Misyar Marriage is Not Like Mutah - Sunnis say its not. Shias say it is.


Taqiyyah - Sunnis say its haram. Shias say its halal.


Al-Raj’ah [The Return]: Imams Reincarnated – Sunnis say no. Shias say yes.


Quran is unaltered – agreed.  


The Quran Condemns Sects – agreed.


Hadith of Ghadir Khumm - Sunnis say only praise. Shias say succession.
Hadith of Two Weighty Things – Sunnis say only love. Shias say sinlessness.
Hadith of the Twelve Caliphs – Sunnis say some coming. Shias say all came.
Hadith: Prophet contemplating suicide – Sunnis say no. Shias say yes.
Hadith: Safinah (Noah’s Ark) - Sunnis say weak. Shias say strong.
Hadith: Aisha’s House and Satan’s Horns: Sunnis say direction. Shias say prediction.
Hadith: Manzilah: Sunnis say praise. Shias say succession.
Hadith: Siddeeq al-Akbar – Sunnis say Abu Bakr. Shias say Ali.
Hadith: City of Knowledge: Agreed.  
Hadith: No Sword Except Dhul-Fiqar: Sunnis say praise. Shias say miracle.
Hadith: Dying With Hatred Towards Ali: Sunnis say sin. Shias say salvation.
Hadith: Shias Being Best of Creation. Sunnis say weak. Shias say strong.


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