The Wives of Prophet Nuh and Prophet Lut
The Quran emphatically declares that the pure should only marry the pure. Allah commands:
“Marry those among you who are single and the righteous ones among yourselves, male or female.” (Quran, 24:32)
Allah further declares:
“Impure women are for impure men and impure men are for impure women. Pure women are for pure men and pure men are for pure women.” (Quran, 24:26)
The Ahlus Sunnah uses this as proof that Aisha must be pure, since the Prophet married her. The Prophet, after all, would not knowingly violate the Quran and marry someone who is impure. Since the Prophet was pure, he must only marry the pure.
The Shia revile Aisha, so to counter this argument, the Shia bring up the wives of Prophet Nuh and Prophet Lut. Both of these women were married to pure Prophets, and yet they themselves were impure and will burn in Hell-Fire, according to the following verse in the Quran:
“Allah has made an example for those who are an unbelieving people: the wife of Nuh and the wife of Lut. They were married to two of Our servants who were believers, but they betrayed them and were not helped at all against Allah. They were told: ‘Enter the Fire along with all who enter it.’” (Quran, Surat at-Tahrim: 10)
The Quran clearly says that a pure man should not marry an impure woman. In fact, Ayatollah Khomeini said: “It is forbidden in Islam to marry the Fasiqoon (sinners).” So the obvious question is: why did Prophet Nuh and Prophet Lut do so?
Sunnis have a simple answer to this question: Prophet Nuh and Prophet Lut did not know about their wives’ sinfulness at the time that they were getting married. Hence, they did not violate Allah’s commands willfully. They did not marry sinful women intentionally. Had the two known that their wives would be Kufaar (disbelievers), it is likely that they would never have married them in the first place.
We Sunnis believe that the Quran commands the Muslim men only to marry pure women.
Prophet Muhammad, he never divorced Aisha. This is acknowledged by the Shia. If the Prophet ever knew that Aisha was a Kaffir, then it would have been sinful for him not to divorce her, since it is Haram to be married to a Kaffir. The Prophet divorced other women, and yet he remained married to Aisha to the last day.
The Shia adamantly believe that the Prophet and the Imams know the Al-Ghaib (the Unseen); they have knowledge of everything in the heavens and the earth. So it is not possible for the Prophet not to know the nature of Aisha since–according to the Shia–he must know everything.
Al-Islam.org says
“Imam Ali said: “I swear by God Who holds my soul in His hand that I know all that the Prophet knew, and that I know all of the past and all of the future, up until the Day of Resurrection.”
source: http://al-islam.org/leadership/
According to Al-Kafi, the most reliable of the four Shia books of Hadith, the Imams could supposedly tell who is going to Paradise and who is going to Hell-Fire merely by listening to a person’s voice:
“By listening to the voice of a person, the Imams can tell if the person was destined to go to hell or to heaven; they would thus answer his questions accordingly.” (Usool Al-Kafi, p. 185)
the Shia cannot make the claim that the Prophet did not know the nature of Aisha when he married her. If Aisha was impure and sinful, then the Prophet knew it (according to the Shia belief). If the Prophet then knowingly married an impure and sinful person, then the Prophet was violating multiple verses in the Quran which forbid this.
There is no way around this for the Shia. The fact of the matter is that the Shia have no way that they can rationalize the manner in which these two Prophets married sinful women. According to the Shia belief, the Prophets knew the character and destination of these women. It is simply an inconsistency in the Shia belief: were not the two Prophets being sinful by intentionally marrying sinful women?
By: Ibn al-Hashimi, www.ahlelbayt.com
Slander Against Prophet’s Wives
The Shia scholars slander the Prophet’s wives, Aisha and Hafsa.
The Shia believe that Aisha was a Munafiqh (hypocrite) and Kaffir (disbeliever).
The famous Ayatollah, Mullah Baqir Majlisi, states: “She [Aisha] was a traitor.”
The Shia argue that whoever denies the Imamah of Ali is considered a Kaffir, and they say that Aisha is one of the leaders (along with Muawiyya in the opposition against Ali’s Imamah.
al-shia.com says:
Al-Saduk says, “Our belief is that the one who rejects the Imaamat of Ameer ul Mu’mineen [Ali] and the Aimmah after him, has the same position like the one who rejects the Prophethood of the Prophets.”
He states: “And our belief is that the one who accepts Ameer ul Mu’mineen but rejects a single Imaam after him, has the same position like the one who believes in all the Prophets and then rejects the Prophethood of Muhammad (saws).”
Sheykh Mufid says: The Imamiyya is in agreement that the one who rejects the Imaamat of one Imaam and rejects the obedience to them which Allah (t) ordered is a misguided Kaffir deserving to remain in Hell-Fire forever.”
Hence, there should be no confusion on this matter that the Shia believe Aisha is a disbeliever (Kaffir) destined for Hell-Fire. In fact, the Shia Tafseer on Al-Islam.org declares that Aisha is not only a Kaffir but rather she is the very leader of the Kufaar [Imam al-Kufr].
Al-Islam.org quotes the Shia Tafseer for verse 9:12 as:
“According to the Holy Prophet, a-immatal kufr (leaders of infidelity) are also those who opposed and fought against the divinely commissioned Imams of the Ahl ul Bayt…Ali ibn abi Talib had recited this verse at the battle of Jamal and quoted the above noted prophecy of the Holy Prophet.” [Pooya commentary on 9:12]
In classical Tafseer Al-Qumi, it is said that it is the people whom Ali fought in the Battle of Jamal including Aisha, Talha, and Zubair who are being referred to in this Verse as the “Leaders of Kufr.”
This view is also the position of Kashani in his Tafseer Al-Safi, and in other Shia interpretations.
The Majma ul Bayan Tafseer also includes Aisha as one of the “Aimmatul Kufr” (Imams of Kufr) along with the Quraish polythiests, the Persian Magians, and the Byzantine Christians.
Al-Tijani said about Aisha: “She tried hard to support her father, even by fabricating sayings [Hadith].” (Then I was Guided, p.141).
Here, Al-Tijani is accusing the Prophet’s wife of being a liar. It is well accepted that fabricating Hadith is Kufr (disbelief) both in Shia and Sunni schools of thought.
The Shia call Aisha “the horn of Shaitan” and they claim that the Prophet said this. Al-Tijani alleges in his book: “Once the Prophet was giving a speech, and he pointed towards the house where Aishah was living, then said, ‘There is the trouble … there is the trouble … there is the trouble … from where the devil’s horns come out.’” (Then I was Guided, p.119)
Shias accuse her of hating to even mention the name of Ali and that she celebrated on the day that Ali died. Al-Tijani says: “she [Aisha] did not like mentioning his [Ali’s] name, and when she learnt of his death she knelt and thanked Allah.” (Then I was Guided, p.117-118)
Shias accuse Aisha of being an accomplice to murder. They say that Aisha advocated the murder of Uthman, and they quote her as saying “Kill the old fool [Uthman].” Not only did Aisha advocate the murder of Uthman, but she then used the murder of Uthman as an excuse to wage war against Ali and kill even more Muslims.
Al-Tijani claims: “she permitted the killing of innocent people and started a war against the commander of the believers and the Companions who voted for him, and she caused the deaths of thousands of Muslims, according to the historians. She did all that because she did not like Ali who advised the Prophet to divorce her.” (Then I was Guided, p.117)
Shias claim that Aisha and Hafsa attempted to murder the Prophet himself: “Aisha and Hafsa poisioned the Prophet.” (Jila-ul-Ayoun, Page No. 118) Shia scholar Baqir Majlisi writes: “Aisha and Hafsa tried to martyr Rasulullaah by giving him poison.” (Vol. 2, Hayat-ul-quloob, page 870)
And again: “…those two female munafiqs (referring to Aisha and Hafsa) agreed to martyr Rasulullah by administering poison to him.” (Hayatul Quloob, page 745, Vol 2)
The Shia cleric Mutahhiri was quoted in the Tehran Times as saying: “Now that we see Ali, and Ammaar, Uways al-Qarani and others face to face with Aisha and az-Zubayr and Talhah, we do not feel any hesitation, for we see the second group as people with the look of criminals, that is, the effects of evil and treachery are evident on their faces: and when we look at their faces and their treacherous characters we guess that they are people of the Fire.” (Shia cleric Mutahhiri, Tehran Times, 25th August, 1982)
This is voiced again in this Shia book: “…Muawiyya and Aisha were worst people of all times.” (Makalmaat-e-husainia, page 59).
And Mullah Baqir Majlisi said: “They [Aisha and Hafsa] were both hypocrites [Munafiqeen].” (Hayatul Quloob, 2:745)
Shia scholars says that Aisha and Hafsa were indecent women: “Hafsa was an indecent women.” (Tohfa-e-Hanfia Dar Jawab Tohfa-e-Jaffria, Page No. 123)
And: “Aisha was charged of committing open vulgarity.” (Quran Majeed by Maqbool Hussain Dehlevi, Page No. 840)
Al-Tijani says in his book: “How could Umm al-Mu’mineen Aishah leave her house in which Allah had ordered her to stay, when the most High said: ‘And stay in your houses and do not display your finery like the displaying of the ignorance of yours.’”
Is Al-Tijani accusing the Prophet’s own wife of displaying her finery [i.e. showing her breasts, body, etc] to everyone?
Shia scholars believe that the Mehdi will come and exhume the body of Aisha in order to flog her for her sins: “When the Twelvth Imam returns, Aisha will be raised from the dead so as to be whipped as due punishment.” (Al Shafi, Vol. No. 2, Page No. 108)
“When the Twelvth Imam returns, he will bring Aisha to life so as to torment her.” (Haq-ul-Yaqeen, Page No. 139)
“Imam Mehdi will punish Aisha with stripes.” (Hayat-ul-Quloob, Vol. No. 2, Page No. 901)
Mullah Baqir Majlisi says: “When Imam Mahdi arrives, Aisha will be resurrected so that she may be given a prescribed punishment and that Fatima be vindicated.” (Haqqul Yaqeen, p. 347)
Accusations against Aisha range from being a imprudent, rude, and “jealous woman.” to wive that had poisoned the Prophet. She was so jealous and vengeful towards her co-wives and step-child Ibrahim.
Shia describe her like the wicked stepmother in the Disney movie “Cinderella”.
Shias call Aisha a liar and a fabricator of Hadith. To the Shia, Aisha is the chief rejector of the Imamah of Ali, because of whom the entire Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama’ah supposedly abandoned the Imamah of Ali.
To Shia, "Aisha" is a cursed and wretched name; she was barren and infertile, citing this as a reason that she hated her co-wives and was jealous of Fatima.
By: Ibn al-Hashimi, www.ahlelbayt.com
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