
Sunni ahlulbayt site


One Sunni website claimed to be reasonable and said they too love Ahlulbayt (Holy Family of the Prophet):

Here on this page we include anti-shia articles from
a sunni website claiming to be "groundbreaking non-sunni website".

To quote them directly: is the first website of its kind, a ground-breaking project that will, Insha-Allah, change the face of the online dialogue between the Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama’ah (the orthodoxy of Islam) and their Shia brothers. It is written from the viewpoint of Muslims who are non-Shia; in other words, we are non-partisan, non-sectarian, and non-denominational. Rather, we are Muwahiddoon (unitarians of the faith) who remain united with the great majority of the Muslims.

This site is primarily aimed towards a mainstream Muslim audience (i.e. Sunnis) to educate them on the issues, but perhaps it could also be that our Shia brothers will likewise benefit from this site by learning about parts of their faith hitherto unknown by them. Our Shia brothers love the Ahle Bayt of Ali and so too do we. Unfortunately, for a variety of reasons, the Shia Ayatollahs have abandoned the Ahle Bayt of the Prophet. It is only the Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama’ah which has maintained love and affection for the Ahle Bayt of the Prophet.

We adamantly love the Ahle Bayt of the Prophet, and we also vehemently reject sectarianism. This website is an open invitation to our Shia brothers to embrace mainstream Islam as followed and practised by the true lovers of the Ahlel Bayt. We will show how the Ayatollahs are corrupt, and how they are misleading our good-intentioned and well-meaning Shia brothers.

This website is the overdue response by the Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama’ah which has faced an intellectual onslaught by online forces that seek to spread misinformation, disinformation, and outright lies against the Ummahat al-Mumineen (Mothers of the Believers) and the Sahabah (Companions) of the Prophet. Our Shia brothers do not focus on stories of disputes between Ali and Fatima out of a deep respect for them; likewise, the Ahlus Sunnah does not focus on stories of disputes between the wives and friends of the Prophet, again out of deep respect.

Unfortunately, there are some who have taken advantage of this fact; many Muslim laymen do not know the details of certain things or events for this very reason that we do not focus on such matters of contention between the founders of the Islamic movement. Additionally, the mainstream Muslims do not live in the past nor do we encourage senseless Fitnah over issues and events that have long since passed and have no bearing on one’s faith. Because of this, it is easy for the Ayatollahs and their minions to confuse the believers by supplying completely biased accounts of history and grossly misinterpreting Hadith to “prove” their lofty claims.

After the success of the Iranian Revolution and the rise of Ayatollah Khomeini, the Shia Ayatollahs have become both immensely powerful and wealthy. They have invested hundreds of millions of dollars to levy an intellectual propaganda war against the Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama’ah. They have feverishly translated classical Shia propaganda books into English, and they have propagated this material worldwide by making use of the internet. Meanwhile, the response by the Ahlus Sunnah has lagged far behind, with few of our Arabic books being translated into English.

Hence, there has become a dramatic imbalance of power online between the Ahlus Sunnah and the Shia. In an attempt to balance out the scales of power online, the Ahlus Sunnah is proud to announce that is leading the charge in the defence against these attacks. It is our sincere hope that our efforts here will serve as an adequate response to the propaganda attacks levied against the Ahlus Sunnah by the various Shia propagandist sites. Indeed, as one brother worded it, the Ahlel Bayt project is fast becoming the intellectual Vanguard of the Ahlus Sunnah.

There were many amongst the Ahlus Sunnah who were against the creation of this site, for fear that it would support sectarianism and hatred. Indeed, many of the sites refuting Shi’ism have adopted this pattern of hate-speech and intolerance. However, hopes to be unique in that it completely condemns hate-speech; we believe that it is possible to engage in healthy dialogue with our Shia brothers, to show them the truth about Islam without also hurting their feelings or resorting to personal insults. It should also be noted that we created this site only grudgingly, and in response to the Shia propaganda sites which had proliferated to such an extent that a response was necessary–in fact, a response by the Ahlus Sunnah became Wajib (obligatory).

We love our Shia brothers; they, like us, are the children of Adam. We created this website as a Naseeha (sincere advice) to them to leave their corrupt Ayatollahs who have abandoned the Ahlel Bayt whilst collecting Khums (religious monies) in the name of the Ahlel Bayt. Our Shia brothers are good-intentioned, and they want to love the Ahlel Bayt; this website will show how being part of the Muslim mainstream, the Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama’ah, is the only way to properly channel this love for the family of the Prophet.

As a side-note, we should like to clarify for our readers that Team Ahlel Bayt is not made up of scholars, but rather we are only students of the faith. We are currently in the process of gaining the tutelage of certain scholars, but until then, please forgive us for any errors.

May Allah guide us all to the Straight Path. Admin

Oh Really.

We shall leave the readers to judge after reading a sample of articles posts here from the website


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